Parks and open space committee reports progress
Parks and open space committee reports progress
Date Posted
April 30, 2020

A committee studying parks and open spaces is seeing progress with the recommendations it has made for Edgemere Park, according to Councilwoman Diane Anthony, who helped set the study in motion last year.
An initial plan for the park was presented and won support from the borough council and Sea Girt residents. Following an assessment of the park, Ms. Anthony said, a focus on the need for non-native invasive plant/tree removal and controlled maintenance was formulated.
The implementation began with the removal of approximately half of the invasive growth by Sea Girt volunteers – work that is continuing.
An Eagle Scout leadership project and volunteer assistance with donated plant materials have added new native plant life to the park.
Planning continues with a focus on safety concerns along the railroad tracks and fencing as well as the addition of nature paths, an open-air outdoor class, and other light recreational opportunities for the public.
The committee has also been addressing Baltimore Park, Crescent Park, and The Terrace coastline adjacent to Edgemere Park.
“This positive and proactive path is so meaningful to Sea Girt’s environmental and ecological future as well as promoting the appreciation and enjoyment of these wonderful lands and watersheds,” Ms. Anthony said.
The Mission of the Sea Girt Parks and Open Space Citizens Committee is to promote the preservation, enhancement, maintenance, and sustainability of Sea Girt’s parks and open spaces through community awareness, education, and funding.
Ms. Anthony said her role is to be a liaison to the council, assisting and maintaining open communication between the two entities and the public. This coordination will be essential to keeping both the residents, who represent the community, and the council aligned on all expectations and planning initiatives that will contribute to the beautification of Sea Girt.