Borough to seek grant to fund Edgemere Park improvements

Borough to seek grant to fund Edgemere Park improvements

Categories: Press
Date Posted
September 17, 2020
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Categories: Press

Date Posted

September 17, 2020


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Originally posted in The Coast Star.

The borough approved a resolution authorizing the submission of an Open Space Grant application to Monmouth County for improvements to Edgemere Park.

Plans for the park include the installation of a fence, preservation of trees, and clearing of invasive species were presented to the mayor and council by Lanne Hoffman of the Sea Girt Conservancy.

The goal of the fence is to provide a distinction between New Jersey Transit and Edgemere Park in addition to deterring entrance and exit along the east side of the park.

The Fence would be about 600 feet long and conform to the vegetation in the mark Ms. Hoffman said, adding that the fence would also be natural-looking with wooden rails and a wire mesh backing.

Conservancy Chair Alan Zakin added that Edgemere Park is a great resource for the town, but also presents some safety concerns due to its natural state.

“That’s what we want to address here to make sure it’s safe for our children, our seniors, for everyone to explore,” he said.

Councilman Matt Mastrorilli voiced his support for the project, stating that as the father of three young children who like to go to the park it would be nice to have a barrier along the train tracks for added precaution.

“What we’re trying to do though our mission statement is to preserve and conserve the open space in our community,” said Mike Meixsell, vice chair of the Conservancy. He added that the group selected Edgemere Park for restoration because there hasn’t been much done in the past to maintain and upgrade the green space.

The resolution passed by the council also permits the borough to match funds from the county grant which according to Ms. Hoffmann would be about $20,000 each based on preliminary estimates for the project.

Borough Seeks Grant to fund Edgemere Park originally published by The Coast Star
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