Sea Girt Conservancy
Founded in 2020, the Sea Girt Conservancy’s mission is to promote the preservation, enjoyment, and ongoing maintenance of our parks and open space for the environment and the benefit of the public, thus ensuring the continuation of these valuable resources for current and future generations.
Sea Girt Conservancy, Inc. is a non-profit corporation recognized as a tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Service code 501 (c) (3). Your donation is tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes to the full extent of the law. Please check with us or your tax advisor for additional information.

We are passionate about preserving our open spaces and keeping Sea Girt Green
Leanne R. Hoffmann | Chair
Professional Engineer and Planner, Certified Municipal Engineer, and Certified Public Works Manager
Mike Meixsell | Vice-Chair
Former Councilman / Former Board of Education Member
Tom Trivella | Treasurer
Financial Services Professional
Ken Weigel | Secretary
Attorney / Long-Time Resident
John Horan
Former Vice-Chairman Sea Girt Board of Education
Shade Tree Commission / Weed Science Manager
Former Landscape Designer / Nurseryman
Officer of the SGFD
Laison DPW
Business/Insurance Professional
Public Relations/Marketing
Former Educator / Long Time Resident
Sea Girt Councilwoman / Boro Liaison
Sea Girt Councilman / Alternate Council Liaison