Sea Girt Conservancy Volunteers gather at Edgemere Park

Dedicated to Keeping Sea Girt Green

It’s our mission to promote the preservation, enjoyment, and ongoing maintenance of our parks and open spaces for the environment and benefit of the public.

The latest from SGC

Important announcements and the latest news on our current innitiatives

Latest Events

Mulch Madness

April 12 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Education & Resources

Learn more about the environment and preserving our open spaces

Current projects

Here’s what we’re working on in the community

stock image of Swallows from Pixabay

Birdhouse Initiative

This project will install birdhouses throughout the borough to provide nesting habitats for Eastern Bluebirds and Tree Swallows.

Pollinator Garden

Funded by a grant, a pollinator garden will be installed at Edgemere Park to provide food, nectar, and protection for local pollinators.

Pollinator garden stock photo from Pixabay